✏ your work ethic

You’re probably procrastinating while you’re reading this post. But that’s ok. However, have you ever wondered what your natal chart says about your work ethic? Do you procrastinate, or do you finish everything on time? Do you overwork, or do you work too little? How do you work? What’s your ideal work environment? All of these questions can be answered in the following places on your chart:

  • The 6th House. The 6th House is THE House for work. To specify, everyday work that you need to do everyday. This House can give insight to how your morning routine goes, and how you study before a test. This House shows how you are when you’re working at a workplace. This house also gives insight to your relationships with your coworkers, if you’re curious. Pay attention to the sign ruling this House and the planets that could be inside. If you do have planets, pay attention to the the aspects if they’re making any.

  • Having your MoonVenus, maybe JupiterUranus, and Neptune in the 6th House can show a person who can procrastinate when these planets are channeled in a negative light or if they’re making harsh aspects to other plants. With the Moon in the 6th, you can struggle to work because how and when you work depends a lot on how you feel. With Venus in the 6th, you can become lazy and incompetent in your work when you only focus on your own comforts rather than your responsibilities and only the presentation, not the content of your work. Jupiter in the 6th can only be problematic if Jupiter is making a hard aspect to another planet. Jupiter can exaggerate, and too much of anything is a bad thing. With Uranus in the 6th House, while you can be creative and quirky in your work, you also can struggle to fit into deadlines and structures in your work. With unpredictability comes a lack of planning, and with a lack of planning comes procrastination. With Neptune in the 6th, the small details essential to make a work ethic effective is confusing to you. You do not know how you actually work, and since you lack awareness, you lack the tools to evaluate your work skills. Neptune, like Venus, is also associated with laziness.

  • Mercury. Mercury rules your mind. It rules how you think, and the arguments you create in your head. It shows how your thoughts flow when you’re working. Look at the house and sign your Mercury’s in, and check the aspects made to it to get a good idea on how you think while you’re doing your work.

  • Mars. Mars rules your actions. It rules how you move, and how you actually put things into action. Look at the house and sign your Mars is in, and check the aspects to get a good idea on how you do your work.

  • Venus. Venus can show what you aim for your work in a shallow sense. Venus can show how you want your work to look, and it can rule how you want your work to be presented to others. Look at the house and sign your Venus is in, and check the aspects made to it to get a good idea on how you want your work to look like.

  • Virgo. The House that Virgo rules is the the area of life that we are more likely to put a lot of work and effort into. The work and effort put into that House can be detail-oriented, and tedious. The work you can put in that certain House can have a “worker bee” feel to it.

  • Note that any discordant aspects between these planets can show a struggle in how you work. For example, with a hard aspect with Mars and Mercury, your mind will want to work one way, but your actions will want to work in a completely different way, which can make work difficult and disharmonious.