General Tips on Synthesizing

1. While astrology is structured, a lot of astrology is intuitive. Trust your gut when you're reading your chart or someone else's chart!

2. When it comes to giving someone a reading, be sure to ask them some questions so you know what you're exactly reading. For example, the 6th House covers pets: Don't talk about pets if the person you're reading doesn't have pets (unless they ask you of course!)

3. When you read someone you know, be careful - your bias and/or the information you know about them can explain elements in their chart, but don't be TOO biased, for this can twist your interpretation.

4. Speaking of bias, do NOT be biased when giving a reading. Stay as neutral and open-minded as possible. When you're biased, you open the possibility of giving misleading information.

5. Be careful with what you say. If you're giving a chart reading, realize that the people you are reading could be strongly affected by your words. With this being said, be ethical, truthful, and reasonable in your interpretations. Don't be fatalistic or limiting in your words.

6. Textbook or cookbook knowledge on astrology is good for GUIDING your interpretations. Don't let textbook interpretations ruin your interpretation!

7. The most challenging (but most fun!) part of synthesizing is mixing placements together in the natal chart and determining a unique interpretation. If you encounter contradictions, embrace them because people are naturally different and contradictory beings.

8. The natal chart is a starting point showing the potentials of someone's life. With that being said, you'll notice older people saying, "Oh, I used to be like this, but not anymore." while younger people are more likely to be self-unaware. Know your client.

9. Realize that you may not always be completely accurate in your reading. Don't beat yourself up when you get something wrong, you're only human. Practice makes perfect, especially in astrology.

10. As you read people, you'll realize certain astrological tools and techniques you'll use. Some people will not like the astrological tools you use: Rather than argue about the astrological techniques, focus on the goal: giving an accurate interpretation.

11. Most important of all, be open to learning something new! You'll never know what you'll hear and see from certain charts and people! Don't forget to also have fun!