Every Mercury sign has their own strengths when it comes to communicating and arguing. However, every Mercury sign has a weakness, and it's important to watch out for these qualities since communicating happens everyday!
♈︎ ☿: Being direct, honest, and blunt with your words mean nothing if you're going to be rude about it. The passion you put into your arguments doesn't automatically make you right either. Do you feel attacked when someone disagrees with you? Are you arguing to learn or win?
♉︎ ☿: Part of good arguing is continuing the flow of exchanging information. However, being stubborn stops that flow. You may hold onto what you've always thought was right, but you ultimately stop a potentially constructive and productive argument that could've happened.
♊︎ ☿: Logic and rationality make sense. However, logic and rationality can also be reductive, eliminating nuance. Sometimes, some arguments need room for nuance that may not be understood right away. Don't give up on an argument that seems to make no sense at first.
♋︎ ☿: It's not that what you've always known and done is wrong. However, the world changes, and eventually, you'll have to change too. The arguments you've clung to tightly for years could be downright wrong tomorrow. You have to be ready to accept that.
♌︎ ☿: A bad argument can't be covered up by theatrics and charisma. If your argument sucks, it sucks. Also, a disagreement is not a personal attack on you. Not everyone has to think and argue like you, and that's okay. After all, there's only one you, and be confident in that.
♍︎ ☿: The details and facts can save an argument, but there's a difference between saving an argument and losing yourself over what the argument was even about in the first place. Details are helpful until they become impractical. Remember the big picture when you argue.
♎︎ ☿: Are you really learning anything new if you're just echoing what people want you to say? If so, what's the point of arguing, or communicating really? Don't be surprised when you only deal with shallow topics. The deep topics come with friction and vulnerability.
♏︎ ☿: Sometimes, the answer is right in front of your face, with no need to investigate or to delve deeper into the matter. Your investigating skills are noteworthy, but you need to realize that your skills are limited and should be utilized at the right time and argument.
♐︎ ☿: It's important to know the difference between fact and belief before someone starts to find holes in your argument. While it's good know the bigger picture, there's no point in knowing the big picture if you can't support it with facts and express yourself concisely.
♑︎ ☿: You are not the world's spokesperson, so don't assume that your arguments are always practical and realistic when really, you're scared of considering other possibilities. Being able to communicate with others is the best way to being successful in life.
♒︎ ☿: Communicating is all about exchanging, and it's hard to exchange when you're isolated, assuming that no one will understand what you're saying. If your thoughts are truly progressive, it should be accessible and understandable to others. Words shouldn't be alienating.
♓︎ ☿: If you can't explain your argument concisely in a few words, redo your argument. Life is complex, but understanding is inevitably reductive. Your arguments should be understandable because otherwise, people will be overwhelmed by the way you communicate.