Having a Cancer IC may sound nice because it can be a family environment where you can be emotionally safe and comfortable, but I feel like that comfort could potentially backfire in the end. Comfort is definitely something people strive for, but comfort is very limiting. I feel like people with a Cancer IC may feel that their parents or upbringing doesn’t allow them to be ambitious. People in their family may tell them to take the “safe route” in life, rather than the route they want for the sake of staying comfortable. Perhaps with the emotional comfort they have felt in their childhoods, they can feel quite shocked when the world isn’t as warm and welcoming as their home. Aries Risings, unless they have interceptions, can struggle with a Cancer IC because they have to break through the family barriers to find and establish their own identity. A Cancer IC is given resources and comfort, but they lack the opportunity to be ambitious and mature in their families… Which is why they ultimately have the Capricorn MC. They want to be adults, and they want to pursue their own ambitions and dreams. They want to survive in the world. They were provided with the resources at the home, and now they want to utilize it.