Libra and Balance

The balance that Libra is highly known for is an illusion. The balance that is seen within Libra is glamorized by society, which is why Libra is usually seen to be very charming and well-liked in society. Libra, like all the other 12 signs, can be imbalanced themselves. If Libra was truly balanced, there would be no need for Aries, its sister sign. There are six pairs of sister signs, and the midpoint between the two sister signs shows true balance. Libra and Aries are on the opposite ends of axis of the self and other. Libra is really not a balanced sign at all, even though it is seen to be one.

Ironically, Libras can be unbalanced quite easily. I think it’s especially hard for Libras to balance themselves since they are born with a strong quality of what they believe to be balanced and the fact that they want things to be balanced. However, what is believed to be “balanced” is subjective for everyone, and since Libras are masculine and cardinal, they will go out of their way to work to achieving their idea of balance. This makes them similar to Libra’s sister sign, Aries. Both Aries and Libras both work together to achieve what they believe is right, but the reasons and methods to get there differ.

There can be many goals Libras has to achieve in their lifetimes. I think a goal that is overlooked is the goal of finding the true meaning of balance. Libras are already born with a sense of what is considered balanced for everyone around them. However, the balance Libras are supposed to seek for is a balance that will truly resonate with themselves rather than others. In order to do that, Libras must learn about themselves and work for themselves. However, this can be a struggle for them, for they are already so skilled with other people. This is why they are the sister sign of Aries. They must do what Aries does so naturally: live for themselves. If Libras doesn’t look deep into who they are and what they need from others, they will lose their identities.