Pluto Generations

Each Pluto generation is lacking in a trait that will be highlighted in the next Pluto generation. That highlighted trait in the next trait will also lack in its own way and a new generation will be created. This shows that the transformation and change that Pluto represents is always dynamic.

Those with Pluto in Cancer focused on the family as a stable unit, failing to realize the individual talents each family member uniquely had. Due to this, those with Pluto in Leo had a strong focus on expressing yourself and having fun. However, they failed to realize that life is not just fun, but also work, which is highlighted in the Pluto in Virgo generation. The Pluto in Virgo generation was skilled in utilizing creativity into productivity, but they did not realize the beauty of taking a well needed break to enjoy the beauty of life. Those with Pluto in Libra enjoyed the beauty of life and socialized to their heart’s content, only to feel an unsettling shallowness. This shallowness is addressed when the Pluto in Scorpio generation sought to find the darker, uglier, yet intimate side of life. However, they drowned in the darkness of it all, and the Pluto in Sagittarius generation found light in the darkest of corners. Those with Pluto in Sagittarius are optimistic, but also idealistic, for they do not know their limits for they did not truly see reality. The Pluto in Capricorn generation however, does know their limits, and uses this knowledge to make practical establishments. However, due to the the confinement and restrictions of their establishments, the upcoming Pluto in Aquarius generation will break these establishments down to start something new and innovative.