Pluto in the 5th House

The 5th House is the house that rules over our creative self-expression and our idea of fun. In a sense, our highest, most sought for self-expression is found in this house. Items that represent fun in any way such as hobbies, children, and romantic and sexual relationships are found in this house.

When someone has Pluto in the 5th House, they often have an extreme, but also intimate relationship with their creativity. Due to the extreme nature of how their creativity can be expressed, the native can keep their creative self-expression a secret. It is through this secrecy where natives can have an intimate and close relationship with how they creatively express themselves. Only they are aware of how their creativity works and manifests. This can manifest with the native keeping the workings of their hobbies a secret and their romantic and sexual relationships under wraps. To know what’s going on is to know their power.

Natives of this placement will also find that their creativity can empower them or destroy them due to the power their creativity can have. Their creative works can often provoke people can perhaps even cause fear. Their creativity can often be provoking due to the penetrative, uncomfortably exposing approach their work can have onto other people and also themselves. The native can be scared of their own creations, often either destroying them or as stated, kept a secret. This is why natives with this placement often have notable “phases” with their creations, noting the many transformations their creativity can take over time.

The nature of the native’s creativity depends on how the native handles the power they are given with their creativity. With their creativity, they can empower themselves and others. Their creative works can often provide a new, insightful perspective on what is hidden in others and themselves and due to this, the native can heal others with their creativity by providing a new light on certain matters. This is why the native’s creativity can be provoking to others.

However, while the native can heal and transform others with their creativity, they also have the power to destroy themselves and others through their creative self-expression. The exposure and truth the native’s creativity can give can not only inflict fear onto others, but also destroy their perceptions of themselves. This can also apply to the native themselves. The native can often struggle to accept their creations at times, for they can struggle to accept the truth their creations can reveal. The truths revealed in their creativity can either hurt the native or empower the native. Due to this, those with Pluto in the 5th feel that they have a strong sense of responsibility tied to their creation.

The native early on realizes the power they have over themselves and others in regards to their creativity. Due to this, the native can be very possessive and paranoid when they share their creativity with others. How their creativity is accepted and seen by others is something the native constantly thinks about. The native can often be angry if they find their creative work to be stolen. To steal work from a Pluto in the 5th native is to steal their power, and the these natives will work hard to keep their own power! Those with Pluto in the 5th will often only share their creations when they feel that it is safe to or when they know they will still be empowered regardless of what happens to their creations.

With the concept of power strongly tied to creativity, the native can often have high expectations on their creative work. Natives with this placement can try to tie a certain purpose to their work, and they can reject their work when this purpose isn’t fulfilled. The native can struggle to forget to have fun simply for the sake of having fun. Those with Pluto in the 5th are often very competitive and ambitious in their hobbies. Not only are they competitive against others in their work, they are also competitive against themselves. They will constantly work to improve their craft.

In regards to romantic and sexual relationships, the native’s idea of attraction and romance can change drastically over time. The nature of the native’s romantic relationships can often start out to be secretive and intense. Power struggles are often present in the relationship. With the idea of love and romance, the native can often be strongly focused, and perhaps even obsessed with the idea of love. They can see love to be a powerful, transformative force. Romantic and/or sexual partners can either transform the native for the better, or place them in the wrong direction. With every romantic relationship the native encounters, they are transformed. They are not quite the same person they were after a meaningful romantic encounter.

In regards to children, people with Pluto in the 5th have the opportunity and potential to establish intimate relationships with children around them. If the native chooses to have children, their main objective is to empower their children by giving them the right tools to defend and fight for themselves. Those with Pluto in the 5th can see the powerful potential in children, and due to this, they feel that there is an important responsibility to care for them.  However, at their worst, those with Pluto in the 5th can choose to manipulate their children, often for their own personal agenda. The native can have power struggles with their children, and there can be a secretive atmosphere between them.