1st shoue

Your Sense of Fashion

Fashion can be many things for many people. People have used fashion to not only express themselves, but to send a message to others. With many uses for fashion, it’s not surprising that your sense of fashion can be found in various areas in your natal chart. The following post will highlight where you can find your sense of fashion.


What is my actual sense of fashion?

The 1st House and your Ascendant shows your actual sense of fashion. The 1st House and the planets within your 1st House shows your physical appearance, which is strongly influenced by your sense of fashion. The sign of your Ascendant shows how you actually fashionably dress yourself while the planets in the 1st House show the parts of yourself you identify yourself with your actual sense of fashion.

Why do I have my actual sense of fashion?

You can find the reason why you actually dress the way you do with your chart ruler. The house of your chart ruler will often show the area of life that influences your actual sense of fashion. Aspects made the chart ruler can also show other areas of your life that can affect the way you dress.


What is my ideal sense of fashion in society?

Your ideal sense of fashion in society is found in the planet of Venus and your 10th House. Your Venus shows what you find to be attractive while the 10th House rules your reputation. With Venus, what you find to be attractive affects how you ideally want to look. With Venus, you are working to fashionably achieve what you find to be your most beautiful self. Your 10th House shows the ideal presence you want to give to others. With your 10th House, you are working to fashionably achieve what you find to be your “best self.”

Why do I have my societal and ideal sense of fashion?

The house Venus is in, the aspects made to Venus, and the sign Venus is in can also show why you have your ideal sense of fashion. Venus will be the lord for the houses ruled by Taurus and Libra in your natal chart. These houses will be connected to your ideal sense of fashion. With the house that is ruled by Taurus, your ideal sense of fashion can affect the way you find beauty and security within yourself. With the house that is ruled by Libra, your ideal sense of fashion can affect the way others can find beauty in you and how you use your ideal sense of fashion with others. The house of your 10th lord will often show what strongly influences what you find to be your “best self.”


Your ideal sense of fashion can be complicated because your self-expression can be complicated. While we can have an ideal sense of fashion in society to find our place in a community, we also have an ideal sense of fashion where we are not bound to a community. This is often the sense of fashion we would ideally like to have if we knew we wouldn’t be judged by others.

What is my ideal sense of fashion outside of society?

Your ideal sense of fashion outside of society can often be found through your Uranus, Sun, 5th House, and 11th House. Uranus shows our rebellious, free, yet innovative self-expression, which can be expressed through fashion. The 11th House rules over our community, but also the place where we feel like we belong with minimal judgment. With that in mind, you have the opportunity to fashionably express yourself freely. The 5th House rules over our creative self-expression. It is through our creative self-expression where we can creatively express ourselves by ourselves or with those we have fun with. Our Sun is often our ego and core being. The Sun is often what orients us to fashionably express ourselves in a way we personally find to be genuine.

Why do I have my ideal and free sense of fashion?

The sign, house, and aspects made to your Uranus and your Sun will also often show why you have your free sense of fashion. Houses ruled by Aquarius and Leo will show how your free sense of fashion affects your other areas of life. With the house that is ruled by Aquarius, your free sense of fashion will show how it will shock or fascinate others. With the house that is ruled by Leo, your free sense of fashion will show how it is tied to your identity. The lords of your 5th and 11th House can often show what strongly influences on your creative sense of fashion with yourself and in your place of belonging.


The way you go about at dressing yourself actually has a large impact on your actual sense of fashion. The way you approach fashion is found in the 6th House. Why? The 6th House is the house of the everyday reality. At least in a society where wearing clothes is the norm, you dress and undress yourself everyday. Your everyday fashion and beauty routine can influence whether your actual fashion sense is consistent or workable. You can find what affects your approach to fashion by looking at the lord of the 6th House.