10th house

Your Sense of Fashion

Fashion can be many things for many people. People have used fashion to not only express themselves, but to send a message to others. With many uses for fashion, it’s not surprising that your sense of fashion can be found in various areas in your natal chart. The following post will highlight where you can find your sense of fashion.


What is my actual sense of fashion?

The 1st House and your Ascendant shows your actual sense of fashion. The 1st House and the planets within your 1st House shows your physical appearance, which is strongly influenced by your sense of fashion. The sign of your Ascendant shows how you actually fashionably dress yourself while the planets in the 1st House show the parts of yourself you identify yourself with your actual sense of fashion.

Why do I have my actual sense of fashion?

You can find the reason why you actually dress the way you do with your chart ruler. The house of your chart ruler will often show the area of life that influences your actual sense of fashion. Aspects made the chart ruler can also show other areas of your life that can affect the way you dress.


What is my ideal sense of fashion in society?

Your ideal sense of fashion in society is found in the planet of Venus and your 10th House. Your Venus shows what you find to be attractive while the 10th House rules your reputation. With Venus, what you find to be attractive affects how you ideally want to look. With Venus, you are working to fashionably achieve what you find to be your most beautiful self. Your 10th House shows the ideal presence you want to give to others. With your 10th House, you are working to fashionably achieve what you find to be your “best self.”

Why do I have my societal and ideal sense of fashion?

The house Venus is in, the aspects made to Venus, and the sign Venus is in can also show why you have your ideal sense of fashion. Venus will be the lord for the houses ruled by Taurus and Libra in your natal chart. These houses will be connected to your ideal sense of fashion. With the house that is ruled by Taurus, your ideal sense of fashion can affect the way you find beauty and security within yourself. With the house that is ruled by Libra, your ideal sense of fashion can affect the way others can find beauty in you and how you use your ideal sense of fashion with others. The house of your 10th lord will often show what strongly influences what you find to be your “best self.”


Your ideal sense of fashion can be complicated because your self-expression can be complicated. While we can have an ideal sense of fashion in society to find our place in a community, we also have an ideal sense of fashion where we are not bound to a community. This is often the sense of fashion we would ideally like to have if we knew we wouldn’t be judged by others.

What is my ideal sense of fashion outside of society?

Your ideal sense of fashion outside of society can often be found through your Uranus, Sun, 5th House, and 11th House. Uranus shows our rebellious, free, yet innovative self-expression, which can be expressed through fashion. The 11th House rules over our community, but also the place where we feel like we belong with minimal judgment. With that in mind, you have the opportunity to fashionably express yourself freely. The 5th House rules over our creative self-expression. It is through our creative self-expression where we can creatively express ourselves by ourselves or with those we have fun with. Our Sun is often our ego and core being. The Sun is often what orients us to fashionably express ourselves in a way we personally find to be genuine.

Why do I have my ideal and free sense of fashion?

The sign, house, and aspects made to your Uranus and your Sun will also often show why you have your free sense of fashion. Houses ruled by Aquarius and Leo will show how your free sense of fashion affects your other areas of life. With the house that is ruled by Aquarius, your free sense of fashion will show how it will shock or fascinate others. With the house that is ruled by Leo, your free sense of fashion will show how it is tied to your identity. The lords of your 5th and 11th House can often show what strongly influences on your creative sense of fashion with yourself and in your place of belonging.


The way you go about at dressing yourself actually has a large impact on your actual sense of fashion. The way you approach fashion is found in the 6th House. Why? The 6th House is the house of the everyday reality. At least in a society where wearing clothes is the norm, you dress and undress yourself everyday. Your everyday fashion and beauty routine can influence whether your actual fashion sense is consistent or workable. You can find what affects your approach to fashion by looking at the lord of the 6th House.

Ideal Self-Expression

For anyone, there is a want to express yourself at your best. For some, it’s by truly expressing yourself. For others, it’s expressing your best self. In regards to finding your “ideal” self-expression, you can this in the 5th and 10th House. However, what is defined as “best” is different between these two houses.

The 5th House is represented by the following quote: “Be yourself.” The ideal self-expression found in the 5th House is the self-expression you have the most fun with. You find your most creative, inspired self in this house. A lot of the self-expression is fueled by passion (fire), and is largely self-driven. There’s a lot of joy and creativity in this house, and the self-expression in this house may not always have a purpose. The 5th House is naturally ruled by Leo.

The 10th House is represented by the following quote: “Strive to be your best self.” The ideal self-expression found in the 10th House is the self-expression you have to work for. You find your most established self in this house. A lot of the self-expression is fueled by stability (earth) and ambition, and is largely driven for others. There is usually always a purpose with this self-expression. The 10th House is naturally ruled by Capricorn.

If you have a 4th/10th House interception, you can often struggle to find a way to express yourself with a purpose. If you have a 5th/11th interception, you can often struggle to find a way to express yourself simply for the sake of enjoying yourself.

Aries in the 5th House/Virgo in the 10th House: With Aries in the 5th House, you want to express yourself freely in a way where you can assert yourself. You have the most fun expressing yourself in an ambitious, passionate, and competitive environment. However, with Virgo in the 10th House, that self-assertive self-expression is turned into something adaptable and useful in the world. With Virgo in the 10th House, you want to serve the world, using your passion to skillfully analyze and to do tasks excellently. Speed and hard work are the overall themes of your ideal self-expression.

Taurus in the 5th House/Libra in the 10th House: With Taurus in the 5th House, you want to express yourself in a way where you can be freely comfortable with yourself and your surroundings. You have the most fun expressing yourself by satisfying your senses, treating yourself, and by creating beautiful things. However, with Libra in the 10th House, the need to please yourself turns into a need to pleasing others. With Libra in the 10th House, you want to establish harmony into the world, using your diplomatic skills to help others. Peace and love are the overall themes of your ideal self-expression.

Gemini in the 5th House/Scorpio in the 10th House: With Gemini in the 5th House, you want to express yourself in a way where you can communicate your thoughts freely. You have the most fun expressing your thoughts, and learning from others, and engaging your mind. However, with Scorpio in the 10th House, the need to curiously learn is suddenly given a purpose: to find out the harsh truth. With Scorpio in the 10th House, you want to not just learn and know about general things, but to find out the secrets the world has to offer. Learning and adapting are the overall themes of your ideal self-expression.

Cancer in the 5th House/Sagittarius in the 10th House: With Cancer ruling the 5th House, you want to express yourself in a way where you feel free to express your feelings. You have the most fun doing things that make you feel good, comfortable, safe, and at home. However, with Sagittarius in the 10th House, the need to feel at home turns into a need to exploring what the world has to offer. With Sagittarius in the 10th House, you don’t want to just feel at home with yourself, you want others to find their own homes by helping them learn and feel comfortable with the world. Comfort and curiosity are the overall themes of your ideal self-expression.

Leo in the 5th House/Capricorn in the 10th House: With Leo ruling your 5th House, you want to express yourself in a way where you are free to be completely yourself. You have the most fun expressing yourself in a way that reflects the best of who you are. However, with Capricorn in the 10th House, the need to just simply be turns into a need to be the best. With Capricorn in the 10th House, you don’t want to just be the best, you want your achievements to show that you are the best to others. Ambition and validation are the overall themes of your ideal self-expression.

Virgo in the 5th House/Aquarius in the 10th House: With Virgo ruling your 5th House, you want to express yourself in a way where you feel capable, useful, and resourceful. You have the most fun expressing yourself in a way where you can go through life smoothly. However, with Aquarius in the 10th House, the need to establish a better life for yourself turns to an need to establish a better life for others. With Aquarius in the 10th House, you don’t want life to just run smoothly, you want the world and community to run smoothly. Innovative thinking and resourcefulness are the overall themes of your ideal self-expression.

Libra in the 5th House/Pisces in the 10th House: With Libra ruling your 5th House, you want to express yourself in a way where you are creating a peaceful environment for others. You have the most fun expressing yourself by socializing and being with the people you love. However, with Pisces in the 10th House, the need to have peace with others turns to a need to have peace with the world. With Pisces in the 10th House, you don’t want to just have good relationships with others, you want to have a good relationship with the world by appreciating it. Creativity and coexisting are the overall themes of your ideal self-expression.

Scorpio in the 5th House/Aries in the 10th House: With Scorpio in the 5th House, you like to express yourself in a way that establishes intimacy and deepness. A lot of your hobbies are secretive, and are only involved with those you are close to, or by yourself. However, with Aries in the 10th House, the need to be secretive with your ideal self-expression turns into a need to assert yourself into the world. With Aries in the 10th house, you don’t want to just have a strong passion for your own self-expression, you want to show your passion to the world by leading it. Passion and power are the overall themes of your ideal self-expression.

Sagittarius in the 5th House/Taurus in the 10th House: With Sagittarius ruling the 5th House, you like to express yourself in a way where you get to explore and learn something new. A lot of your hobbies are interesting, fun, but also insightful. However, with Taurus in the 10th House, the need to explore for fun turns to a need to finally take root in the world with what you’ve learned. With Taurus in the 10th House, you don’t want to just go explore and enjoy the world, you want to stay and savor in what you’ve gathered about the world by establishing stability. Worldly appreciation and indulgence are the overall themes of your ideal self-expression.

Capricorn in the 5th House/Gemini in the 10th House: With Capricorn ruling the 5th House, you like to express yourself in a way where you feel that you’re the best with good, realistic reason. You often work very hard at your hobbies, often striving to have skilled purpose with them. However, with Gemini in the 10th House, the need to be the best for yourself turns into the need to have fun with yourself with others. With Gemini in the 10th House, you don’t want to just be good at what you like to do, you want to share what you like to do with others and learn more so that you can further improve your craft. Success and expansion are the overall themes of your ideal self-expression.

Aquarius in the 5th House/Cancer in the 10th House: With Aquarius in the 5th House, you like to express yourself in a way where you can be completely yourself without any societal bounds. You often like to participate in unique, strange hobbies that serve a good, innovative purpose for others. The idea of serving and helping others is carried onto Cancer in the 10th House. With Cancer in the 10th House, you don’t want to just help others in an innovative way, you want to nurture and care for others. Freedom and care are the overall themes of your ideal self-expression.

Pisces in the 5th House/Leo in the 10th House: With Pisces in the 5th House, you like to express yourself in a way where you can appreciate and enjoy the world and everyone. You often like to show this worldly appreciation through creative and artistic activities, for you are constantly inspired. However, with Leo in the 10th House, you will gather your inspirations from the world to where you can gather what you find to be your true self. With Leo in the 10th House, you don’t want to just appreciate the world, you want the world to appreciate you. Inspiration and creativity are the overall themes of your ideal self-expression.

Your Actual Internet Persona vs Your Ideal Internet Persona

The 10th and 11th House are usually where you want to find what you’re like on the Internet. Why? The 10th House is the house of the public and the  world. Your public image is seen through your 10th House. The Internet is your online public image, so therefore, you can find insight to see how people view you online. The 11th House shows how you ideally want to be seen online. The 11th House is naturally ruled by Aquarius, which is a sign associated with technology. The 11th House also rules over friendships and community, and with that, you want to show the best parts of yourself.

Be aware that any dominant elements in your natal chart (dominant planet, sun, moon, and/or dominant house) will also be seen online.

If you have duplicated signs due to interceptions, meaning that you have the same sign ruling both Houses, then this post will not apply for you. Those with duplicated signs in the 10th and 11th House will tend to have an online image that is similar to their ideal image… Or can struggle to identify how they want to establish themselves online. There is a strong emphasis on the duplicated sign when it comes to online affairs.

Aries in the 10th//Taurus in the 11th - You are seen to be assertive, direct, and straightforward online. It’s hard to misunderstand what you’re saying since you’re very straightforward, but you could also be very aggressive. With that in mind, you can participate in a lot of arguments and debates. However, you ideally want to be seen as someone who is calm, steady, and appealing. Sometimes, you can feel that your current online image is too harsh and brash.  You ideally want to be seen as someone who is comforting. You try your best to remain calm and comfortable, but you can be easily affected by what you see on the Internet. It can be hard for you to accept that you’re wrong, for you can be very stubborn online.

Taurus in the 10th//Gemini in the 11th - You generally tend to be well liked on the Internet. With Taurus being a sign ruled by Venus, your blog or social media can be very visually appealing. People tend to come to you for good vibes, and it’s hard to make you angry. However, you can be seen to be shallow, superficial, and maybe unintelligent. People can underestimate you due to this, which is why you want to be seen as someone who is educated online. You want to be seen as a fun, carefree, and talkative individual for you feel that you can be stuck in your comfort zone sometimes. Ultimately, you want to have a worry-free experience on the Internet because not everything should be taken seriously.

Gemini in the 10th//Cancer in the 11th - People look up to you on an intellectual plane when it comes to online matters. You are fun, spontaneous, and hilarious. You may like to post a lot of memes and laugh at a lot of posts. You don’t take things too seriously on the Internet, since it’s all just a bunch of fun for you. However, you may feel that your emotions can be hidden and ideally, you want people to take you seriously when you express your emotions online. Usually, you contribute a logical and rational argument, but you may deeply seek for an emotional understanding. Ultimately, you want other people to see that you have the ability to be someone they can emotionally rely on, even though, you’re seen to be light-hearted person.

Cancer in the 10th//Leo in the 11th - People find you to be a very sweet individual online. You may find that a lot of people come to you for advice. There is a vibe of safety and comfort when people approach you on social media. You may be very emotionally understanding to others, and can give good advice. Generally, you are seen to be sweet, but sometimes, you can find that people take advantage of your sweet nature. You can be passive-aggressive when you don’t get your own way, making you quite moody. There is a part of you that wants to shine above the rest. Due to this lack of respect, you may try to make yourself look respectable online by expressing your creativity and talents. Instead of having to praise and comfort others online, you’d like it if someone praised you.

Leo in the 10th//Virgo in the 11th - When it comes to your online persona, you are seen to be very charismatic. It’s likely that you are very popular on social media, and you can quite a lot of attention. You are quite creative in your online expression. However, through all of this popularity, you may want others to just see you as a normal person. Sometimes people tend to forget that you are just a normal individual and can treat you unfairly due to your popularity. You can also feel impractical for you feel like you can’t apply your creativity to something productive sometimes. Ultimately, you want to have attention that’s genuine and true and to place your creativity into something productive for others.

Virgo in the 10th//Libra in the 11th - With Virgo ruling your 10th House, you tend to have a quieter online image. You tend to be very organized in your online affairs, for you like to keep your blogs and social media to be clean. Any mess or lack of organization can bug you. You are very analytical and helpful to anyone who comes to you for help. However, you can feel very misunderstood because you are someone who tends to criticize others online for their own good. People can find you to be petty and you feel that you aren’t well-liked. You ultimately want others to see you to be someone social and charming. There is a craving for validation from others. You can feel unappealing online, so you also strive to be seen as someone aesthetically pleasing.

Libra in the 10th//Scorpio in the 11th - People tend to see you to be charming, sweet, and social. You usually know the right things to say, and you have the ability to remain neutral and diplomatic with any conflicts. You strongly focus on beauty and you try to make your social media accounts look aesthetically pleasing. However, you tend to focus a lot on people’s interactions online, and people can find you to be a shallow, gossipy person. Due to this, you can feel like you are at a distance from others. The reason why you pay attention to such interactions is because you ultimately want to have intimate relationships online. You want to look good online is because you feel that people won’t tolerate the “ugly” side you don’t want to show yourself. Ultimately, you seek for intimacy and true acceptance online.

Scorpio in the 10th//Sagittarius in the 11th - When you have Scorpio in the 10th House, you will cause extreme reactions from people online. People will either love you, or hate your guts. You tend to not reveal too much of yourself online, only revealing details that will lead to a dead end. You are very particular to who you talk to and who you will be close with. With a lack of information shown, people will usually find you to be either mysterious or intimidating. This lack of understanding hurts you, because there is a fun, dorky side of you, and this is ultimately the side of you that you want to show. You want to be seen has someone optimistic, fun, and exciting, but you feel that showing such a side shows your vulnerability. There is a part of you that wants to let go and just be carefree online.

Sagittarius in the 10th//Capricorn in the 11th - With Sagittarius in the 10th House, you are generally seen to be a very fun and approachable person. While you can be seen to be very funny, you can also be very intelligent and participate in a lot of open-ended discussions. However, you tend to have exaggerating tendencies, which can make you unnecessarily blunt and reckless. Due to this, you can feel out of place online, and with that, you want to be seen as someone important. You ultimately want others to take you seriously. People tend to forget that you have a serious side, and there are times where you want to show it so that people can respect you. You may have many aspirations, but you feel like you can’t quite place them down in a practical way.

Capricorn in the 10th//Aquarius in the 11th - When you have Capricorn ruling the 10th, it is hard for others to put you down. You are the one who tends to sound very serious and mature, and due to this, people respect you and tend to be cautious if they choose to argue with you. However, you ultimately feel like you are blocked in your expression. You are secretly scared of blowing your cover and saying stupid things out of the blue. There are so many things you want to do, but you don’t go out of your way to do it because you feel like it threatens your online image. There is a part of you that wants to stop caring about what’s right and wrong, and just have the freedom to do whatever you want. Instead of being a lone wolf, you want to be seen as someone cooperative, flexible, and well-rounded.

Aquarius in the 10th//Pisces in the 11th - When you have Aquarius in the 10th, your social media accounts are popular in a strange sense. You like to set trends, and you are probably updated on the latest memes. Sometimes you post spontaneously or erratically out of the blue. You don’t have to work very hard to be unique in your online community. Although you have a lot of out-of-the-box ideas, you feel like your online self is lacking in something. You may feel that you lack an emotional, yet creative expression to others. There is a sense of detachment to your image that you want to eliminate, for you ultimately want to be seen as a person who is sweet and compassionate to others.

Pisces in the 10th House//Aries in the 11th House - When you have Pisces in the 10th House, people can struggle to gather a coherent, correct image of you. Due to this, you may feel like you are misunderstood online. However, you are truly seen to be a sweet, compassionate individual. The confusion you feel, however, bothers you and you strive for clarity and to lead. You ideally want to be someone who is seen to be assertive, yet still inspiring to others. With your public image, you want to be understood and inspire others in a clear, straightforward fashion. You have so much creativity, but you feel like you just need a little push to make it come to life.