

  • Your Rising can certainly bless you with characteristics you can use with ease. However, the people you meet in your life, represented by your Descendant, teach you what you need to learn from your interactions with them.

  • aries rising//libra descendant: you are blessed with the potential to lead others, but the people in your life will teach you how to lead correctly through compromise and peace.

  • taurus rising//scorpio descendant: you are blessed the potential to stay stable and calm, but the people in your life will teach you how to stay stable through the exposure of chaos.

  • gemini rising//sagittarius descendant: you are blessed with potential intelligence, but the people in your life will teach you how to gain true credibility by believing in yourself.

  • cancer rising//capricorn descendant: you are blessed with the potential to comfort, but the people in your life will teach you how to gain true comfort through the exposure of reality.

  • leo rising//aquarius descendant: you are blessed with the potential to shine, but the people in your life will teach you how to go against the norm to keep the spotlight on yourself.

  • virgo rising//pisces descendant: you are blessed with the potential to appreciate details, but the people in your life will teach you how to love the details by embracing the disorder of the universe.

  • libra rising//aries descendant: you are blessed with the potential to love others, but the people in your life will teach you how to love yourself so that you can love others properly.

  • scorpio rising//taurus descendant: you are blessed with the potential to be passionate and transformative, but the people in your life will teach you how to balance out your extremes and relax.

  • sagittarius rising//gemini descendant: you are blessed with the potential to believe, but the people in your life will teach you how to stick your beautiful ideas into the ground instead of the clouds.

  • capricorn rising//cancer descendant: you are blessed with the potential to change the world, but the people in your life will teach you that you must accept and embrace your roots first.

  • aquarius rising//leo descendant: you are blessed with the potential to bring a group together, but the people in your life will teach you that in order to do that, you must bring yourself together first.

  • pisces rising//virgo descendant: you are blessed with the potential to understand the universe, but the people in your life will teach you that to truly understand, you must not skim over the details.