"You want an award for that?"

Where Leo falls in your houses can show where you want validation from yourself and others. This can manifest in expressing yourself in a certain way, and then expecting others to praise you in return. Where your Sun is on your natal chart will show why you want that validation. Of course, aspects to the Sun would diversify the expression.

There’s nothing wrong with being validated or getting validation. Just remember that validation is given from the heart (the body part that Leo rules ironically,) not from obligation!


Leo ruling the 1st House: You want people to validate you when you act like yourself, whether it’s good or not.

Leo ruling the 2nd House: You want people to validate you when you treat yourself, whether it’s needed or not.

Leo ruling the 3rd House: You want people to validate you when you talk and share your thoughts, whether it’s needed or not.

Leo ruling the 4th House: You want your family members to validate you, whether you were helpful or not.

Leo ruling the 5th House: You want people to validate you for your hobbies, whether you’re good at them or not.

Leo ruling the 6th House: You want people to validate you for your everyday activities, whether it should be a given or not.

Leo ruling the 7th House: You want people to validate you when you talk to them one-on-one, whether they want to or not.

Leo ruling the 8th House: You want people to validate you when you reveal your secrets, whether they wanted to hear it or not.

Leo ruling the 9th House: You want people to validate you when you express your beliefs, whether they agree with you or not.

Leo ruling the 10th House: You want people to validate you in public, whether they want to or not.

Leo ruling the 11th House: You want people to validate you for being a good friend, whether you were a good friend or not.

Leo ruling the 12th House: You want people to validate you on things you are not aware of and/or hide, whether they know it or not.


Sun in the 1st House: You want people to validate you because you believe that the validation will make you more aware of yourself.

Sun in the 2nd House: You want people to validate you because you believe that the validation will bring you confidence and security.

Sun in the 3rd House: You want people to validate you because the validation will make you smarter and more intelligent.

Sun in the 4th House: You want people to validate you so that your family will appreciate you and/or so that you get closure from the past.

Sun in the 5th House: You want people to validate you because you need that validation to help you drive your creativity, hobbies, and romantic relationships.

Sun in the 6th House: You want people to validate you so that you can use the validation to help you with your daily routine and everyday activities.

Sun in the 7th House: You want people to validate you so that it can help you accommodate to others and enhance your interactions with people.

Sun in the 8th House: You want people to validate you so that it may provide a chance for you to express something you’ve hidden so that you can be intimate with others.

Sun in the 9th House: You want people to validate you so that it can help you orient your beliefs and open your mind to the world.

Sun in the 10th House: You want people to validate you so that it can help you improve your public image and reputation.

Sun in the 11th House: You want people to validate you so that you can maintain a good status in your friend circle and community.

Sun in the 12th House: You want people to validate you because you believe it will help you find who you truly are.