Enemies in the Natal Chart

Open enemies are represented by the 7th House while secret enemies are represented by the 12th House. Enemies are represented by these houses because planets and signs in the 7th and 12th house are often prone to be in the control of others if the native doesn’t own themselves. With this in mind, planets in the 7th and 12th House can be spots of vulnerability if you don’t take ownership of your planets.

Open enemies are ruled by the 7th House because usually, the native is aware of an enemy attempting to attack them. These attacks usually occur in interactions. With secret enemies however, the native may not be aware of the enemy for the attack can be done in secret.

  • Sun in the 7th/Sun in the 12th: With these placements, there can be an aversion to people to who are arrogant and egotistical. However, this feeling of aversion can also point out the arrogance in the native themselves. Your enemies will attempt to attack your ego and who you essentially are.

  • Moon in the 7th/Moon in the 12th: Natives with these placements will dislike others who are manipulative and lack restraint on their emotional impulses. However, this feeling of aversion can highlight the lack of emotional control the native may have. Your enemies will attempt to hurt your feelings.

  • Mercury in the 7th/Mercury in the 12th: Natives with these placements will dislike those who are flaky, picky, and intellectually demanding. However, this feeling of aversion can point out the intellectual struggles the native themselves can have. Your enemies will attempt to attack your intelligence, mind, and words.

  • Venus in the 7th/Venus in the 12th: Natives with these placements will dislike those who are shallow and overly indulgent. However, this dislike can highlight the shallowness they may have in themselves. Your enemies will attempt to attack your ideals, appearance, and sense of comfort. It is unlikely for these natives to have many enemies.

  • Mars in the 7th/Mars in the 12th: With these placements, these natives will dislike those who are inconsiderate, those with anger issues, and those who use their anger destructively. However, this dislike can highlight how the native can struggle to handle their own energy themselves. Your enemies will attempt to take advantage of your energy, passion, and anger.

  • Jupiter in the 7th/Jupiter in the 12th: Natives with these placements will dislike those who are arrogant, preachy, and ignorant. However, this dislike can highlight the arrogance the native brings onto others. Your enemies will attempt to attack your hopes, your talents, and attempt to downplay your skills. It is unlikely for these natives to have many enemies.

  • Saturn in the 7th/Saturn in the 12th: Natives with these placements will dislike those who are close-minded and restrictive. However, natives with these placements may struggle to realize the restrictions they place on themselves and others. Your enemies will attempt to attack your standards and will attempt to show your flaws.

  • Uranus in the 7th/Uranus in the 12th: Natives with these placements will dislike those who are unpredictable, detached, and arrogant. However, these characteristics can also be shown through the native through others or the subconscious. Your enemies will attempt to attack your creativity, make your life chaotic, and put down your aspirations.

  • Neptune in the 7th/Neptune in the 12th: Natives with these placements will dislike those who self-victimize, manipulate others, and wrongly sacrifice themselves. However, these natives may struggle to acknowledge these characteristics in themselves. Your enemies will attempt to confuse, manipulate, and place a false image on you.

  • Pluto in the 7th/Pluto in the 12th: Natives with this placement will dislike those are volatile, manipulative, and power hungry. However, these natives may struggle to acknowledge these traits in themselves. Your enemies will attempt to attack you by making you feel powerless, manipulating you, and exposing you wrongly.

In addition, these planets will be lords of the house ruled by the signs ruled by the planets. The location of where your 7th/12th lords are ruling can show where and why your enemies attack you.

Example: Pluto in the 7th, Scorpio Rising. Check Lord of the 1st House since Pluto rules over Scorpio.

  • Lord of the 1st House: Your enemies attack you because they dislike your self-expression. Your self-expression can be highly affected by your enemies.

  • Lord of the 2nd House: Your enemies attack you because they dislike your values and self-security. Your security (through values, money, and self-confidence) can be highly affected by your enemies.

  • Lord of the 3rd House: Your enemies attack you because they dislike your mind and words. Your words and thoughts can be highly affected by your enemies.

  • Lord of the 4th House: Your enemies attack you because they dislike your past and family. Your past and family can be highly affected by your enemies.

  • Lord of the 5th House: Your enemies attack you because they dislike your creativity and romantic partners. Your attempts to inspiration and your romantic relationships can be highly affected by your enemies.

  • Lord of the 6th House: Your enemies attack you because they dislike your way of living life. Your daily life and health can be highly affected by your enemies.

  • Lord of the 7th House: Your enemies attack you because they dislike how you interact with them and others. Your interactions in general can be highly affected by your enemies.

  • Lord of the 8th House: Your enemies attack you because they dislike your secret self or want to expose your secret self. Your sense of intimacy can be highly affected by your enemies.

  • Lord of the 9th House: Your enemies attack you because they dislike what and how you believe the world to be. Your view of the world and your beliefs can be highly affected by your enemies.

  • Lord of the 10th House: Your enemies attack you because they dislike your ambitions and your reputation. Your reputation can be highly affected by your enemies.

  • Lord of the 11th House: Your enemies attack you because they dislike your friends and/or your aspirations. Your group of friends can be highly affected by your enemies.

  • Lord of the 12th House: Your enemies attack you because they dislike your private self or because they do not know your private self. Your subconscious can be highly affected by your enemies.