Sun in the 7th House

The 7th House rules over your one-on-one interactions with people. Your general and initial relationship dynamics start with the 7th House. With the 7th House, you are face-to-face with another individual, constantly projecting and sharing parts of yourself. In a sense, every interaction you have is a simultaneous exchange and revealing of the self and the other. The 7th House is commonly associated with a mirror.

With the Sun in the 7th House, the self is often found in other people. Natives with this placement can often find pieces of themselves in other people, using those pieces to accumulate a sense of self. However, what this native can struggle with is self-discovery. With any planet in the 7th House, the native relies on the people they interact with to express a certain planet for them. With the Sun in the 7th, the native unconsciously expects people to show or tell them who they are.

With this in mind, self-confidence can be an issue. With any planet in the 7th House, the condition of the planet is dependent on others, which can be inconsistent. The native’s sense of self is inconsistent. The native’s ego in the eyes of the native can frequently change depending on what they receive when they interact with others. It’s important that those with their Sun in the 7th House interact with people who are positive, but also honestly constructive.

While self-discovery and self-ownership is something the Sun in the 7th native struggles with, what the Sun in the 7th native does best is discover others. Since the ego is tied to the house of interactions, the native is quite perceptive and observant of other people. Often, those with their Sun in the 7th can naturally detect what other people need in terms of their ego and sense of self. With the Sun in the 7th, the native chooses to put the spotlight on the other person.

With this in mind, the native can often highlight the other person’s good and bad points. The native, through social nuances, can fulfill the other person’s ego and give a strong sense of confidence to others. In this sense, Sun in the 7th natives can bring others a lot of inspiration. Sun in the 7th natives can be quite likable people, since they are often very diplomatic and pleasant. There is often a warm, safe vibe with these natives.

In relationships, Sun in the 7th natives are quite giving, perhaps even sacrificial. Again, with the spotlight placed onto the other person, the native often prioritizes the needs of the other person before themselves. Those with Sun in the 7th House like to showcase their good relationships, for they feel that their good relationships will show the best parts of themselves. This showcasing can be done consciously or unconsciously, for doing this can be a part of self-expression for the native. The native may have a sense of pride and attachment to the positive relationships they create.

However, where the Sun is located in the chart shows a sensitive point in the natal chart. The relationship dynamics that occur for the Sun in the 7th has a strong effect on them. If the native has a negative, unhealthy relationship with someone, that relationship will take a toll of them. Sun in the 7th natives can be quite offended when others offend the people they value interacting with. To hurt the people they care about hurts them also. Sun in the 7th natives are very protective of their relationships, for the better or worse.

Since the native is comfortably inclined to put the spotlight on themselves, a few things can occur: a lack of self-awareness and a lack of caring for the self. When this placement is undeveloped, the native can be quite hypocritical. While the native is skilled at finding characteristics of others, they can struggle to find characteristics in themselves. This can result in the native pointing out the negative aspects of other people, but refusing to point those same negative aspects in themselves. This is because the native can often struggle to own themselves, positively and negatively.

With this lack of ownership, the native can also struggle to take care of themselves mainly because they can place other people over themselves. There’s a natural tendency to conceal the native’s personal needs because they either aren’t aware of what they need, or because they believe their needs deserve to be fulfilled after the person they’re interacting with. People who often interact with the native can feel as if they’re talking to themselves, because the presence of the native is so hidden.

With the 7th House also being the house of open enemies, those who dislike the native will most likely attempt to attack the native’s ego. The native’s ego and sense of self is easily accessible to those who dislike the native. This accessibility can often account for the sensitivity found in the Sun in the 7th natives. The native will often dislike individuals who are overly egotistical and arrogant, but at the same time, they can refuse to see the arrogance they have in themselves at certain times.