
In astrology, idealization is often seen by Venus and Neptune in their own way. Venus shows the idealizations we have to experience comfort and pleasure in a physical realm. Neptune is the planet of idealizations that transcends all realms, these idealizations often tied to fantasy and delusion.

A lot of these idealizations stem from the dignities of these planets. With Venus ruling over Taurus and Libra, the idealization will often come from a physical realm (Taurus) and will be harmonious not only to the self, but to others (Libra.) With Neptune traditionally ruling over Sagittarius and Pisces, the idealization will often come from a fascination and need to explore the environment (Sagittarius) and a need to expand the imagination (Pisces.)

if any of these planets are intercepted, there is often a block of grasping or obtaining these ideals. With Venus, there can be a constant feeling of discomfort. With an intercepted Neptune, the native can often feel uninspired. Those with an interception in Aries/Libra will often feel their idealizations are hard to coexist with in regards to others. With a Taurus/Scorpio interception, they often feel their idealizations are hard to gain stability with. Those with a Sagittarius/Gemini interception will often feel that their imaginations are not intellectually sound and therefore not worth pursuing. With a Virgo/Pisces interception will feel that their fantasies are hard to achieve and grasp.


“My physical idealizations lie in [House with Venus.] I idealize because I want to be comfortable and satisfied with [House ruled by Taurus.] I also make idealizations because I think through [House ruled by Libra,] I can work well with others.


“My fantastical idealizations lie in [House with Neptune.] I fantasize because I want to explore and learn more about [House ruled by Sagittarius.] I also fantasize because I think that through [House ruled by Pisces,] I can be imaginative and creative.”

  • 1st House: myself and my self-expression

  • 2nd House: my values my sense of security

  • 3rd House: my mind and voice

  • 4th House: my past and family

  • 5th House: my inspirations and hobbies

  • 6th House: my everyday life and health

  • 7th House: others

  • 8th House: my secrets and intimate relationships

  • 9th House: my beliefs in the world

  • 10th House: my reputation and goals

  • 11th House: my friends and community

  • 12th House: my subconscious

Example: Venus in the 5th, Taurus ruling the 8th, Libra ruling the 1st - “My physical idealizations lie in my inspirations and hobbies. I idealize because I want to be comfortable and satisfied with my secrets and intimate relationships. I also make idealizations because I think through myself and my self-expression, I can work well with others.

Neptune in the 8th, Sagittarius ruling the 6th, Pisces ruling the 9th House - “My fantastical idealizations lie in my secrets and intimate relationships. I fantasize because I want to explore and learn more about my everyday life and health. I also fantasize because I think that through my beliefs in the world, I can be imaginative and creative.”