Mars in the 12th House

The 12th House can often simultaneously represent freedom and imprisonment at the same time. Our dreams and subconscious, free, but also contained spaces are represented in the 12th House. Prisons and hospitals are often represented in the 12th House because prisoners and patients are restricted to stay in the building, but they are free from the brutality of the societal norms outside.

When Mars is in the 12th House, the energy in this planet is simultaneously trapped, but also free in the subconscious. Passion and energy bubbles inside the native, the passion truly becoming something unique and distinctive with all the free, imaginative space of the subconscious. However, when the walls of the subconscious crumble due to the lack of control on the surface conscious, that passion will go through the cracks and escape the subconscious for a short time until it is captured again.

Passion and anger is a neutral concept and the neutrality of it will change depending on how the native decides to use that passion. Anger, like the subconscious, can slip out of the native when they are not aware. In a sense, this can make anger hard to control, and sometimes, natives can even struggle to know the details of the existence of their anger. The anger that can come out of an individual with Mars in the 12th can feel foreign. A native may ask, “Where did this anger come from?” “How did I get angry?” “Why am I angry?” while trying to figure out their anger, only to find out that nothing, yet everything, angers them. Often, they can either express their anger passive aggressively, or impulsively. Or both. With passion, they can find themselves molding their energy into almost every hobby, but that hobby doesn’t have strong staying power. With that being said, it can be difficult for a native in the 12th House to find a hobby that truly captivates them.

With energy ruled by Mars, it can be hard for the native to work consistently and routinely. With energy located in the subconscious, the native is most active when the subconscious is most active… With that in mind, it would not be surprising with someone with Mars in the 12th was always tired during the day when the conscious, not the subconscious is active. Those with Mars in the 12th can get tired very easily, for energy for them doesn’t come very clearly and easily. Natives often need to spent time by themselves to recharge so that they’re not overwhelmed by the world around them. Often, before the native starts a task, it can be hard for the native to really start, for they already feel like they’re asserting so much even though nothing has been tangibly. However, when it comes to dreams, those with Mars in the 12th are very active. It’s common for Mars in the 12th to have very engaging, passionate dreams. It’s not surprising for those with Mars in the 12th House to also have sexual dreams.

Those with Mars in the 12th House often unintentionally hide their sexual tendencies. Hiding sexual tendencies can often lead to various results. It is possible for people to not “see” the sexual tendencies of these natives, and due to that, Mars in the 12th natives can be seen to be innocent, when it may not be the case at all. Hidden sexual tendencies are also repressed tendencies. With that in mind, some natives can struggle to control their sexual urges, their sexual nature subconsciously revealed through their body language, tone of their words, and other escape routes the subconscious may take. In that regard, individuals with Mars in the 12th House can also be very sexual. When Mars in the 12th natives feel free, that’s when they do their best in the bedroom. However, on the other end, natives could also lack sexual tendencies, and maybe even have an aversion to sexual matters altogether.

The main theme with Mars in the 12th House is to realize that while it may be hard to grasp certain things that can definitely help on a daily basis, the purpose of Mars in the 12th House is not for daily things. While it is difficult for Mars in the 12th House to be consistently active, passionate, and assertive, it should be noted that when the Mars in the 12th native is any of those three things, if mastered, it is seen beautifully. The passion and energy that is manifested in the 12th House are not simple, for they are not made for simple matters. Mars in the 12th natives are able to absorb anger, passion, and energies with others and have the strong potential to heal other through their actions. While the energy of Mars in the 12th is hard to manage, the energy present in the 12th House is also very flexible and helpful to others. Mars in the 12th is a test of using one’s energy - if the native can successfully pass through the tests in the 12th House, the native can most certainly help others.