
Micromanaging the Self

While there are parts of ourselves we are overly unaware of, there are also parts of ourselves where we are overly aware of. While the 8th House is the house that shows the sides of ourselves that we are overly aware of, the houses where Virgo and Scorpio rule in your natal chart shows an overly strong awareness of the self.

However, due to this strong awareness, there is often a lot of hiding and fixing with this part of yourself. Where Virgo rules in your natal chart will show where you often try to micromanage yourself. You constantly analyze yourself in this area of life, maybe overthinking and perhaps getting anxious. Where Scorpio rules in your natal chart will show where you often try to hide yourself. You constantly try to control yourself in this area of life, maybe to the point where you’ve developed a fear for yourself.

Where Virgo rules in your chart shows the strong mental control we have over ourselves while where Scorpio rules in your chart shows the strong emotional control we have over ourselves. To have an interception in Virgo/Pisces or Taurus/Scorpio will show a feeling of not having that control. Seeing where Mercury and Pluto are in your natal chart can show why you emotionally and mentally micromanage yourself.


I micromanage my [Virgo Ruling in the Houses] to handle my [Mercury in the Houses] well.

I hide my [Scorpio Ruling in the Houses] to control my [Pluto in the Houses] well.

  • 1st House: sense of self

  • 2nd House: security of self

  • 3rd House: mind and thoughts

  • 4th House: past and coping mechanisms

  • 5th House: creativity

  • 6th House: everyday life

  • 7th House: relationships

  • 8th House: intimate relationships and secret self

  • 9th House: beliefs

  • 10th House: reputation

  • 11th House: friendships

  • 12th House: subconscious

Example: Virgo in the 1st, Mercury in the 5th. I micromanage my sense of self to handle my creativity well.

It’s noted that both Virgo and Scorpio ruling our houses show where a person might micromanage parts of themselves due to being overly aware of it. The sign in the middle, Libra, is known to be the sign of balance. This is the sign of socializing, balance, justice, and peace. Where Libra rules in our natal charts shows the area of life where we seek for peace, and can serve as a balance for the overly managing sides of ourselves. We can either manage this balance within ourselves or find this balance through communicating with others, for Libra is an air sign.

If you have an interception in Aries/Libra, you can struggle to find a sense of balance in your life.


I balance my [Libra Ruling in the Houses] to handle my [Venus in the Houses] well and to work better with my [Virgo Ruling the Houses] and [Scorpio Ruling the Houses.]

  • 1st House: sense of self

  • 2nd House: security of self

  • 3rd House: mind and thoughts

  • 4th House: past and coping mechanisms

  • 5th House: creativity

  • 6th House: everyday life

  • 7th House: relationships

  • 8th House: intimate relationships and secret self

  • 9th House: beliefs

  • 10th House: reputation

  • 11th House: friendships

  • 12th House: subconscious

Example: Libra in the 8th, Venus in the 12th, Virgo in the 7th, Scorpio in the 9th. I balance my intimate relationships and secret self to handle my subconscious well and to work better with my relationships and beliefs.

The Offensive and the Defensive

This post is inspired by the following quote from Linda Goodman from “Love Signs”

“Aries often dissipates the Mars energy in the premature exposure of emotional reaction, fighting on the defensive. A Ram never attacks unless struck first. Remember that Aries is the symbolic Infant of the zodiac, and infants don’t yell unless they’re ignored, or someone jabs them with a sharp safety pin. After all, it’s the only defense they have against pain or neglect. When more serious danger threatens, their guardian, Mars, comes to the rescue. Scorpios, however, are masters of the offensive - an offensive laced with clever, cool strategy, exquisite patience and an uncanny sense of the weakness of others. You won’t find Scorpios coming unstrung, running hither and thither, or striking wildly. When they strike, it’s straight on target, with deadly precision.”

Where Aries and Scorpio rules in your natal chart shows where we are defensive and offensive. Aries shows where you are defensive, for Aries rules the defensive part of combat with Mars. Scorpio shows where you are offensive, for Scorpio rules the offensive part of combat with Mars. In a sense, Aries can often show where you feel vulnerable while Scorpio can show where you feel powerful potential.

Looking where Mars and Pluto are in your chart can often explain why we protect ourselves, whether it be through offense or defense.

If you have an Aries/Libra or Taurus/Scorpio interception, you may feel as if you have a weakness. With an Aries/Libra interception, you may feel defenseless and vulnerable with no walls while with a Taurus/Scorpio interception, you would feel powerless and weak with no weapons. To find your source of protection and power, you would have to look at your Mars and Pluto, depending on which sign is intercepted. With duplications, you may feel as if you have too much protection. With an Aries duplication, you can feel highly defensive with many walls to protect you while with a Scorpio duplication, you can feel highly offensive with too many weapons at your disposal.


You get defensive when you feel that people are threatening your ___. You feel that you will ___ if you don’t defend yourself.

  • Aries ruling the 1st: self-expression / not be able to express yourself the way you want to

  • Aries ruling the 2nd: values and confidence / not be able to feel secure

  • Aries ruling the 3rd: words and intelligence / be seen to be intellectually inferior

  • Aries ruling the 4th: family and roots / not be able to feel comfortable with your beginnings

  • Aries ruling the 5th: your fun and passions / not be able to easily access your inspirations

  • Aries ruling the 6th: daily life / not be able to get through your day

  • Aries ruling the 7th: one-on-one interactions / not be able to establish good relationships with others

  • Aries ruling the 8th: secret self and tendencies / not be able to truly gain intimate acceptance from others

  • Aries ruling the 9th: beliefs and views / not have a strong sense of direction and purpose in life

  • Aries ruling the 10th: ambitions and goals / lose your power and mark on the world

  • Aries ruling the 11th: friends and community / will not belong anywhere

  • Aries ruling the 12th: inner self / not be able to forgive and accept yourself

You get defensive because you feel that your ___ is/are fragile and/or not creditable.

  • Mars in the 1st: self-expression

  • Mars in the 2nd: confidence

  • Mars in the 3rd: mind

  • Mars in the 4th: comfort

  • Mars in the 5th: inspiration

  • Mars in the 6th: routine

  • Mars in the 7th: relationships

  • Mars in the 8th: dark side

  • Mars in the 9th: beliefs

  • Mars in the 10th: goals

  • Mars in the 11th: community

  • Mars in the12th: subconscious


You get offensive when you feel that people are threatening your ___. You feel that you have the potential to powerfully ___ over any threat.

  • Scorpio ruling the 1st: self-expression / express yourself

  • Scorpio ruling the 2nd: values and confidence / assert your security and self-esteem

  • Scorpio ruling the 3rd: words and intelligence / communicate

  • Scorpio ruling the 4th: family and roots / have peace

  • Scorpio ruling the 5th: your fun and passions / utilize your inspirations

  • Scorpio ruling the 6th: daily life / organize and analyze your life

  • Scorpio ruling the 7th: one-on-one interactions / work with others

  • Scorpio ruling the 8th: secret self and tendencies / empower yourself

  • Scorpio ruling the 9th: beliefs and views / expand your mind

  • Scorpio ruling the 10th: ambitions and goals / establish yourself

  • Scorpio ruling the 11th: friends and community / transform your sense of belonging

  • Scorpio ruling the 12th: inner self / utilize your subconscious tendencies

You get offensive because you feel that your ___ is a potentially strong part of you.

  • Pluto in the 1st: self-expression

  • Pluto in the 2nd: confidence

  • Pluto in the 3rd: mind

  • Pluto in the 4th: comfort

  • Pluto in the 5th: inspiration

  • Pluto in the 6th: routine

  • Pluto in the 7th: relationships

  • Pluto in the 8th: dark side

  • Pluto in the 9th: beliefs

  • Pluto in the 10th: goals

  • Pluto in the 11th: community

  • Pluto in the 12th: subconscious

A Cancer Moon will try to bravely face their emotions head on, letting their strong emotions influence many of their actions and words. They can find themselves saying, “I NEED my emotions. Without my emotions, I don’t have a sense of DIRECTION. Without my emotions, I am LOST.”

A Scorpio Moon will try to investigate their emotions and figure out the world, letting their intense emotions take over them. They can find themselves saying, “My emotions are TELLING me something. I need to know what it is, and I won’t stop INVESTIGATING it. Once I find it, I’ll be emotionally at peace.”

A Pisces Moon will try to search for things not found in this world through their emotions, for they are willing to get lost in their feelings. They can find themselves saying, “My emotions can be quite CONFUSING, but somehow, some way, I will figure it out. I don’t know what I’m exactly looking for, but I feel that my emotions is the only way to find what I truly NEED.”

A water moon is very emotionally intelligent. Out of all the four elements, they acknowledge, take, and accept emotions as it is. Their emotions are truly authentic and raw, but despite all of this, their emotions storm and swirl under a still, tranquil demeanor.